Sunday, September 27, 2009

Issue Three, Fall 2009

Hey all! So, Issue Three of Other:______ is under way, but we're gonna need a lot of submissions :D

This time around, we're weaving a theme into the 'Zine. Something we're anticipating may inspire our writers/visual artists, and call to our readers:


And of course, we're not restricting the issue to this theme, by any means. Other:_____ just wouldn't be Other: without the wide array of subjects our Contributing Artists so consistently provide. So if you've got a piece of work that you think is good (or someone else tells you is good), then don't hesitate to send it in! We'd love to see it!

So send your submissions to: -For Poetry Submissions -For Fiction or Short Story Submissions -For Images of Sketches, Paintings, or other Visual Arts.

Visual Artists, please note: at this time our ability to effectively publish works in colour is severely limited. However, we will be looking into this, so please don't let this discourage you from submitting your artwork. Conversely, if you've been dying to try out a monochrome painting or charcoal work, now's your chance!

Please note that this copy of Other:_____ is defined as the Fall issue for 2009. Our current deadline for submissions is November 2, 2009. We are working on submissions before that date, so feel free to send them in as you write them.

-The Other:___ Team