Friday, November 27, 2009


Other:____ Literary Magazine is hosting an Open Mic Night alongside the launch of our latest issue at Gallery Veritgo on December 18, 2009.

Come and read your poetry or prose, show off your visual arts, sing your songs, or play your instruments - anything goes. If you're not performing, stop by and enjoy the show. Snacks will be provided and there will be buttons and books for sale. Other:____ will also be accepting submissions for the spring issue.

Doors open at 8:00pm, the show starts at 8:30pm.

Contact for more information.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Branching Out

You can now find out more about Other:___ and upcoming events on the following social networking sites:

Follow us on twitter @OtherMagazine

or on Facebook: Other:___ Literary Magazine

Friday, November 13, 2009

Missed the Deadline...?

Fall/Winter Issue submissions are now closed, but don't let that stop you from submitting for the Spring Issue!

Thanks to all of you who submitted something already, please, keep them coming ;D

~The Other Staff

Monday, October 26, 2009

Vertigo Voices - Open Mic Night

Other:___ Literary Magazine is hosting an Open Mike Night at Gallery Vertigo on November 6, 2009. Come and read your poetry, prose, show off your visual arts, sing your songs, play your instruments – anything goes. If you’re not into performing, stop by and enjoy the show. Snacks will be provided, and there will be buttons and books for sale. Other:___ will also be accepting last minute submissions for the upcoming fall issue. Doors open at 8pm, the show starts at 8:30. Contact for more information.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Issue Three, Fall 2009

Hey all! So, Issue Three of Other:______ is under way, but we're gonna need a lot of submissions :D

This time around, we're weaving a theme into the 'Zine. Something we're anticipating may inspire our writers/visual artists, and call to our readers:


And of course, we're not restricting the issue to this theme, by any means. Other:_____ just wouldn't be Other: without the wide array of subjects our Contributing Artists so consistently provide. So if you've got a piece of work that you think is good (or someone else tells you is good), then don't hesitate to send it in! We'd love to see it!

So send your submissions to: -For Poetry Submissions -For Fiction or Short Story Submissions -For Images of Sketches, Paintings, or other Visual Arts.

Visual Artists, please note: at this time our ability to effectively publish works in colour is severely limited. However, we will be looking into this, so please don't let this discourage you from submitting your artwork. Conversely, if you've been dying to try out a monochrome painting or charcoal work, now's your chance!

Please note that this copy of Other:_____ is defined as the Fall issue for 2009. Our current deadline for submissions is November 2, 2009. We are working on submissions before that date, so feel free to send them in as you write them.

-The Other:___ Team

Monday, February 23, 2009

Other:_____ is here!

After nearly a year of tribulations the Pine Beetle Review completed its metamorphosis. Other:_____ has burst out of the old, beetley cocoon and is ready to write havoc all over Canada. A new collective of student volunteers has picked up the tiny reins, and have finished the soon-to-be infamous Issue One after a rocking Issue Five of the Pine Beetle (which you've probably heard of because it's legendary et cetera). The first issue features work by both Okanagan & national authors, emerging and established alike, including Sina Queyras, Jesse Ferguson, Tom Smith, Jerry Graham and, of course, others!

Send a couple of pages worth of work to: